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This morning we celebrated another siyum in the daf yomi cycle. Rabbi Rosenbaum finished learning mesechet megillah with more than 30 students in atten跳舞. This is the third siyum we’ve made as part of the daf yomi cycle, 我们这样做不仅是为了庆祝人们在校外学习,也是为了将我们的学生与daf yomi项目联系起来. 特别感谢 Masliansky家族为纪念Joseph和Tzippora Masliansky而举办的茶点活动. 

A couple of nights ago, a very familiar figure was in the building – Mr. 大卫•纽曼. Until a few years ago, Mr. Newman WAS everyone’s biology teacher (including mine!), and even after he retired, he keeps in touch. But most importantly, he volunteers his time to keep our HAM radio club up and running. 

业余无线电是学习电子,通信,甚至莫尔斯电码的好方法! And it’s not too late to join the club. 他们每周三下午5:00 - 6:00在业余无线电室(生物实验室内)开会。. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. 纽曼在 bioguy@juno.com.

我很高兴地告诉你 Rabbi Myers is out of the hospital and in rehab他的情绪仍然很高,他期待着很快回到ICJA!

Don’t forget about the special presentations this Monday. At the beginning of the 2nd period (9:46 am), Rabbi Simcha Willig will be speaking to our students about Tu Bishvat. Rabbi Willig is an instructor at Yeshiva University, 一个在法国的教士, the summer rabbi at the Jewish Center of Atlantic Beach, a member of the rabbinic team at Keter Torah in Teaneck, NJ, 一个伟大的演讲者!

后来 周一下午1:30,牧师. Roger Cheeks will be speaking with our students about Martin Luther King Jr. 一天. 牧师. 奇克斯是基督徒和犹太人国际团契的高级主任, 他还帮助我们在美国历史课上创建了一个特别的单元,澳门威尼斯人网上赌场犹太人和非裔美国人的关系.

These sessions will be on the same zoom link – 点击这里, and parents are invited to join!

We wish a refuah shlaima to Josh Paskoff, who has COVID.

On Sunday, don’t forget that the following sporting events are taking place: 摔跤训练 (7:30 am),  Fencing Practice (9:00 am), Girls Varsity Basketball Practice (9:00 am), Boys JV Basketball Practice (2:00 pm), Boys Varsity Basketball Practice (下午4:15)和 Girls JV Basketball Practice (7:00). 

Which looks impressive – but is a regular Sunday sports schedule at ICJA!

Candle lighting tonight is at 4:23 pm. 

Shabbat shalom, stay safe, stay connected, and stay inspired!

B 'vracha,

拉比伦纳德A. Matanky, Ph值.D.

Dean, 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 




如果你还没注意到, 我一天有多忙和更新发送的时间是直接相关的. On typical days (are there any typical days in a high school?), I can generally find the 30-45 minutes to compose this letter. But when the day is hectic, this update gets delayed. In fact, you can almost measure “how busy” by when this update is sent.

So what was different about today?

好吧,由于疫苗的后遗症,一些学生离开了学校!). 不幸的是,夫人. Zeffren has COVID (refuah shlaima!), and we needed to get a sub. 拉比福克斯和夫人. Pogonitz were both out because of cold-like symptoms (refuah shlaima!), and we needed to get subs. And there was another Town Hall meeting. And there was a special presentation for the seniors. And there was the regular excitement of another great day at ICJA.

But all is good – and in fact, it was great to 欢迎回来,先生. 库珀 谁感觉良好,在美国拥有的所有领土上走过他的美国历史.S. It took the class some time, but they eventually figured out that all those territories now have red, 白色, 和蓝旗(夏威夷), 古巴, 波多黎各, 关岛, 菲律宾, 巴拿马). Nice job, Hadassah Bernstein, for spotting that! 

And the town hall was a much-needed opportunity to speak with the 9th-grade girls. 有一些问题我需要调查——从测试日到食堂菜单, but I am impressed with the girls and the way they took this meeting seriously.

但我一天中最重要的是听Yossi Klein Halevi讲述他的经历, resulting from writing his book “Letters to a Palestinian Neighbor.” But also that led up to writing it. He spoke of his early involvement in the Soviet Jewry Movement, 在JDL中, and how making aliyah helped shape his views. 科尔·哈卡沃德 Gavriel Engel, Jonah Matanky, Eliyahu Malkin, and Ari Baral 回答他们的问题.

On Monday, we will have two speakers – Simcha willis拉比将在第二节课的开始讲Tu Bishvat, and 牧师 Roger Cheeks will be speaking in the afternoon in honor of MLK 一天.

Tomorrow we will skip 3rd period, and periods 10, 11, and 12 will meet. Candle lighting is at 4:23 pm.

Stay safe, stay connected, and stay inspired!

B 'vracha,

拉比伦纳德A. Matanky, Ph值.D.

Dean, 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 





But instead of starting at the beginning, 让我回顾一下昨晚祝贺女王牌队战胜迪尔菲尔德队. Our JV played their freshman team and won in double overtime, and our SV played against their JV and won. (他们的SV是伊利诺伊州排名最高的球队之一,所以我们不想让他们难堪,以防我们赢了😊.)

还有,昨晚我们的 企业家俱乐部 had 20 students online for their inaugural event! Kol hakavod!

最后, 昨晚, 我们得到消息,我们的三个学生被浙江大学选为今年“18岁以下18人”的一员.” Congratulations to Laura Bellows, Ilan Blumenthal, and Kayla Kupietzky – we are very proud of your accomplishments, but even more so of your service to others! For more about this honor – 点击这里 http://www.juf.org/springboard/18-Under-18-Honorees-2021.aspx.

This afternoon not only did we have the vaccine clinic, but there was the first sign-up for this year’s production of “ICJA走上舞台.” ICJA的女孩们已经有两年没有机会展示她们的音乐天赋了, 跳舞, and fashion – but we are gearing up for a great program.

70多名女孩报名参加了这个将于4月在学校举行的项目. It’s going to be great – and we are so excited that our student chairs are Dini Robinson and Laura Bellows and that in addition, the involvement of our mechanchot, ICJA alum and staff member, 卡洛琳的现金, 将负责所有的细节,而ICJA的校友塔利亚·莫洛茨基加入了我们的团队来指导和协调这部作品!

不幸的是, I was holed up in my office for much of the day in meetings, so I didn’t get into classrooms. 但在这些会面中,我确实看到了一些我们应该感到非常自豪的事情. 有一个会议试图找到最好的方法来帮助有学习差异的学生, a meeting with lay leadership and JUF regarding finances of ICJA, a meeting with a candidate for our Kollel, and even a meeting to plan for the onboarding of a new staff member.


Tomorrow during 6th period, our MJH classes will have a unique online session with noted author Yossi Klein Halevi. He will be speaking with them about his book “Letter to My Palestinian Neighbor,” which they studied in Rabbi Rosen and Rabbi Simkovitch’s classes. 

Tomorrow we will also have a 9th-grade girls’ Town Hall meeting during 4th period.

Refuah shlaima to Nava Dreyster and to the other students recovering from COVID.

最后, just a few moments ago, I spoke with Rabbi Myers. His surgery was successful, and he had already taken his first steps. But he still needs our tefillot for a refuah shlaima. Please continue to daven for HaRav Michael Avraham ben Sarah Devorah.

Stay safe, stay connected, and stay inspired!

B 'vracha,

拉比伦纳德A. Matanky, Ph值.D.

Dean, 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 




我的工作中最棒的部分是参观课堂,观看有灵感的老师和学生一起学习Torah. 这就是我今天早上在Gross拉比和Broner拉比的塔木德课上要做的第一件事.

Rabbi Gross’ class was 9th-grade boys honors他和他们一起研究“diyuk”和“kal v”的区别.“他的方式是通过他们正在学习的米什那和他的智能板上的图表. 给 the boys just one piece of information, 他让他们做了一个练习,看看他们能从这些信息中得到多少. And they were an impressive group – especially Meir Zayan, Aidan Zukerman, Ami Czako, Yaakov Friedman ——他们在表格上填写了“什么时候可以打断说Shma”的清单.

And then, I walked over to Rabbi Broner’s 12th-grade honors 塔木德 class. They are learning Bava Metzia, and in learning about the obligation to give tzedakah, Rabbi Broner posed a fascinating question for them to consider. 问题是,如果一个人身无分文却被一个穷人接近, would they be obligated to charge their credit card to give tzedakah?

And the answer is not so easy, as Noam Weisman and Gavriel Engel 发现. 自, 一方面,一方面, charging a credit card is equivalent to taking a loan, and does someone have to take a loan to give tzedakah? 另一方面,如果他们家里有钱来支付这笔费用,这是否仍被视为贷款? And that’s just the beginning of the issue.

What a great way to start the day.

Tonight is the first meeting of the Entrepreneurship Club – 7:30 in Mr. 库珀的变焦室: http://zoom.us/j/5948729726?pwd=eFdGVktpeFdOUm95L2JiNXJydXRGdz09. The club co-chairs, Ben Boyarskiy, Josh Kupietzky, and Matthew Schreiber, are hoping for a great turnout. 我希望你能加入,学习创业的基础知识和如何创建一个商业项目的过程. 

Today we learned that two more of our students were diagnosed with COVID, and we wish a refuah shlaima to Dini Robinson and Moshe Osgood! Remember, if you’re not feeling well – don’t come to school and get a COVID test.

Tomorrow is our booster clinic, and over 50 students are signed up! Thanks to CareOne Pharmacy and ICJA alumni Seymour and Stan Gertz 感谢你让这一切成为可能. 

Finally, as I write this letter, Rabbi Myers is in surgery to repair his broken leg. Please continue to daven for HaRav Michael Avraham ben Sarah Devorah.

Tomorrow is an early dismissal day, and we skip 9th period.

Stay safe, stay connected, and stay inspired!

B 'vracha,

拉比伦纳德A. Matanky, Ph值.D.

Dean, 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 




This morning, I began the next round of town hall meetings with the 9th-grade boys. The great news is that overall, 他们是快乐的, and almost everyone is involved in some extra-curricular activity. Of course, they would prefer less homework (so would I!),但总的来说,他们的作业负担在我们每晚少于两小时的目标之内. 

但真正出现的是COVID的新挑战——完全接种疫苗的人接触过检测呈阳性的人的问题. Based on the latest CDC guidelines, a person exposed to COVID (i.e., 在六英尺之内, 揭露了, for 15 minutes or more) and is asymptomatic, when fully vaccinated (or boosted) within the past six months, is not required to quarantine at home. 然而, 未接种疫苗或接种疫苗6个月以上的人必须至少居家隔离5天, and then after receiving a negative COVID test, 返回学校.

不幸的是, 几乎所有接种过疫苗的低年级学生都已过了六个月的接种期. As a result, today, four students had to stay home and zoom in to their classes. 

This is yet another reason for our students to get their booster ASAP! 这也是为什么我们已经收到延期到明天上午的人报名我们的校内诊所, 点击这里. 除了, 我附上了一份同意书,必须填写并返回办公室或发送给我们的办公室经理, Ms. 夏娃Partouche epartouche@ntbw.net

昨天, 不幸的是, 拉比迈克尔·迈尔斯(Michael Myers)在冰上滑倒,并因腿部骨折住院,将接受手术修复骨折. 我们,当然,wish him a refuah shlaima and ask 每个人都有 HaRav Michael Avraham ben Sarah Devorah 在他们的祈祷中. Today I’ve spoken to him several times, 他的情绪很高。, and he is looking forward to returning to school. But he will be out for at least a month.

当我们的老师和员工发现这件事时,每个人都很关心并想要帮助他们. It’s what makes our ICJA family so special, 我感谢他们所有人, especially the following teachers who have agreed to sub for him – Rabbi Gutstein (1st period), Mrs. Aberman (2nd period), Rabbi Fliegelman (3rd period), Mrs. Kraft (4th period) and Dr. 布朗(第六节). 

On a better happier note, earlier today, I received an email from Ori Wasserman about the upcoming Chess tournament at ICJA beginning on January 19. Over the past several years, under the watchful eye of Rabbi Menachem Rosenbaum, chess has become one of the favorite free-period pastimes at ICJA. 只要有休息时间,你总能发现学生们在我们的数学科学公共空间里全神贯注地下棋. 这真是太棒了,我得到了很多纳恰特,这已经成为ICJA最大的运动. 

To sign up for the tournament, 点击这里 by January 16 – http://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeoJqy5aVOYXT-EYMH5wh6wMbaBrDUvBAFYlNkIKedhru0OjQ/viewform?usp=sf_link. Teachers and students are invited to participate!

Stay safe, stay connected, and stay inspired!

B 'vracha,

拉比伦纳德A. Matanky, Ph值.D.

Dean, 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场

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